5G通訊網絡逐步滲透全球,避無可避,比3G4G更多發射器、更高頻的脈衝電磁波輻射,對人體有什麼影響,到現時未有科學研究。但沒數據不等於沒風險,大廈或燈柱上的手機發射器已導致各地敏感或體弱社群不適,而手機也早已被世衛列為可致癌用品。其實抵禦電磁波與抵禦病毒和其他病原一樣,需要鞏固體內平衡 (homeostasis),讓身體有效抵抗外來物質,正常排毒,維持器官及內分泌正常。
德國Rayonex公司繼「迷你」能量盒風行全球後,現今推出加強版「5G迷你」,內置兩組兩極天線 (dipole antenna),發放兩個能量頻值,除了促進細胞製造ATP (三磷酸腺苷) 增加能量外,並提升我們對5G輻射的抵抗力,讓身體更好抵禦5G電磁波的影響。
Rayonex 三十多年來致力研發生物共振非入侵性產品,數年前發佈體外實驗,證明「迷你」能在24小時令細胞正常的新陳代謝增加達45%。傷口痊癒率在三天內相對提升20%。
顯示傷口癒合的相對速度有以下短片為證,該一分鐘短片屬時間推移視頻的製作 (time-lapsed video)。
Reduce Impact of 5G EMF with “5G Mini”
The age of 5G mobile network has arrived. Whether we like it or not, we will be increasingly exposed to the high frequency, pulse-modulated electromagnetic fields (EMF) from countless mobile phone towers. Since 5G is a new technology, there is no reliable study yet on its health impacts. But not having research data does not mean we are free from health risks. The 3G or 4G towers have already caused problems for people around the world who are EMF-sensitive or stressed by health conditions. Even mobile phones have long been classified as a “carcinogenic hazard” by the World Health Organisation. In the same way that we should brace ourselves against viruses and other pathogens, we should also strengthen ourselves against EMFs by maintaining normal homeostasis. We can then be strong to external toxins through effective detox and high level functioning of our organ and endocrine systems.
Rayonex of Germany has launched a “5G Mini” following the worldwide success of their energy-boosting Mini-Rayonex. The new Mini is installed with 2 dipole antennae that emit 2 fundamental frequency values - one boosting normal cell metabolism to increase ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the other targeting our weakness to 5G radiation. The combination can help us stay energetic while calm even when bombarded by 5G. The device can be carried in our pocket or bag, or placed on our desk and by our bedside. With the “5G Mini” at hand, we can be more energised while at the same time be able to rest deeper.
Rayonex specialises in developing non-invasive bioresonance devices. A study showing the effects of the Mini-Rayonex on cell metabolism was released several years ago.
It can be seen here:
A one-minute time-lapsed video on wound healing with and without a Mini-Rayonex can be seen by clicking