布緯博士研發了一個亞麻籽油和椰子油的組合去替代牛油,她稱之為 Oleolux,就是拉丁文的Oleo (代表油),加Lux (代表光),所以我們翻譯這美好的名字為布緯博士「光輝油」,是布緯食療的重要的一部份,由冷榨亞麻籽油和椰子油混合而成,適宜自家製作確保最佳效果。椰子油有殺菌和幫助吸收養份的功效,而亞麻籽油是含最高量亞油酸的植物油,在體內可轉化為身體所需的奧米加三脂肪酸,兩種油混合後十分穩定不易氧化,可以存放雪櫃當牛油,或稍微加熱變成沙拉油食用,有淡淡的洋蔥與蒜頭香味,口感味道都勝牛油,是非常健康的食品,能為細胞提升帶氧量及幫身體吸收有益的油份。
Dr Johanna Budwig’s Oleolux recipe
- 250毫升冷榨椰子油
- 125毫升冷榨亞麻籽油
- 中型洋蔥一個
- 蒜頭10瓣
- 將125毫升亞麻籽油倒入容器
- 將容器放入雪櫃中的冰格保持低溫
- 將洋蔥切成四塊,蒜頭瓣去皮稍為壓碎
- 將250毫升椰子油倒入鍋
- 加入洋蔥以細火炒5-8分鐘至金黃色
- 加入蒜頭繼續炒3-5分鐘
- 當洋蔥和蒜頭呈現棕色,熄火
- 將洋蔥和蒜取出(十分美味可用作小菜)
- 用油網將油隔渣
- 取出在冰格冷凍的亞麻籽油,將煮好的椰子油倒入容器
- 用匙羹將兩種油混合均勻
- 將製成品放入冰格冷凍約20分鐘
- 待完全冷卻後從新放在雪櫃裏保存備用(無需儲存在冰格)
- 冷凍的「布緯博士光輝油」“Oleolux” 製作完成!
- 從雪櫃取出後可代替牛油用來搽麵包、餅乾、藜麥餅、米餅等;
- 可在鍋裏短時間輕微加熱,變成液體後用來做沙拉油。
- 250ml cold-pressed coconut oil
- 125ml cold-pressed flaxseed oil
- 1 medium sized onion
- 10 cloves of garlic
- Pour 125ml flaxseed oil into a container
- Place container in freezer to store in low temperature
- Cut onion into 4 quarters, peel garlic cloves and lightly crush
- Pour 250ml coconut oil into a pan
- Add onions and fry in low heat for 5-8 minutes until colour turns golden
- Add garlic cloves and continue frying for 3-5 minutes
- Turn off heat once onions and garlic are browned
- Remove onions and garlic from the pan (they make a delicious dish on their own)
- Strain the oil to remove all solids
- Take out flaxseed oil from freezer and add the cooked coconut oil into the cold container
- Stir to mix the two oils
- Place container into freezer for 20 minutes
- Once oil mixture is cool, store in the refrigerator (no need to put in freezer)
- Oleolux is ready to serve!
To serve:
- Can substitute for butter and use as spread on bread, biscuits, quinoa crackers, rice cakes;
- Can heat lightly in a pan until the Oleolux turns into liquid and use as a salad oil.