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英語網上研討會 - 生物共振療法獲得科學認證



在德國進行的最新一項臨床研究,證實了Rayonex 生物共振療法的安全效用。實驗對象為「頸椎綜合症」患者,該病患普遍影響約五分一人口。經10次生物共振治療後,患者病情及身心多方面都得到顯著的改善。這是生物共振儀器第一次被用於雙盲隨機對照研究,這種研究被視為最高標準、最科學化的研究,提供醫學界所能夠認同的因果實證。


網上研討會時間:2020.07.07 星期二香港時間晚上8點



Double Blind Randomised Controlled Study shows effectiveness of Bioresonance Therapy

A clinical study in Germany has given fresh proof to the safety and effectiveness of bioresonance treatment by Rayonex medical devices. The study involved patients with Cervical Spine Syndrome, a pain condition that affects some 20% of the population. After 10 sessions of bioresonance treatments, the patients experienced significant improvement in their pain condition as well as physical and mental aspects of their lives. This is the first time that a bioresonance device has been tested for effectiveness in a double blind randomised controlled study. Such a study is considered to be most scientific and of the highest standard, producing evidence of cause and effect that is acceptable to the medical profession.

You are cordially invited to tune in to a Webinar in English organised by Rayonex to elaborate on the study and its findings. Following the Webinar, we will share details of the study on this website. Thank you.

Details of the Webinar are as follows: 2020.07.07 Tuesday, 8pm Hong Kong time

To join the Webinar please register by clicking: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_I6RseIMQTGmB3qf21kNSnw


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