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生物共振是不用藥、不痛、非入侵性的能量療法,依賴天然頻率的組合與運用去正面地影響身心的正常運作,為正常細胞增加能量,是全家保健理想工具,無論是尋找致敏原、對付傷風感冒、改善消化、紓緩慢性病或預防感染都有顯著效用,任何年齡與健康狀況人士與動物都適合。我們的服務就是以德國Rayonex 生物共振儀器探索客戶最需要增強的自身調節機制,從而制定調理健康的方向與策略。生物共振儀器除了能測試功能外,更能利用經絡、七輪及各生理病理的頻率,去平衡我們的能量,達至陰陽協調,剛柔相制。


  • 首次全面測試:90分鐘
  • 非首次全面測試:75分鐘

用德國 Rayonex 生物共振儀,以 ECG 心電圖配件加加人手測試棒,探索最需要增強的自身調節機制,從而制定調理健康的方向與策略。包括食物不耐受的測試以及7分鐘的能量平衡。

  • 進度測試或綠卡更新 : 75分鐘 

經過測試了解身體狀況後,有沒有為提升健康改變飲食習慣,或進行生物共振或其他方式的調理? 治療師為你提供進度測試並為正在進行調理的客戶更新綠卡。

  • 生物共振調理與能量平衡 : 每節60分鐘 


生物共振調理可用Polar大機 (需時較短) 或家用版PS10。我們在店內以大機提供健康調理與能量平衡。

租用 PS10 在家中調理最方便,連寵物都可以受惠!

  • 租賃儀器:PS10 Basic + 兩張綠卡
  • 傳達布匹:需另外購買(單人布 $2,700)



中環威靈頓街39號六基大廈10樓1003室能量主義有限公司 (MTR中環D2出口)

  • 預約或貨品查詢電話及WhatsApp:92215033
  • 星期一至六 9:30am - 6:30pm
  • 星期日、公眾假期、年初一至初五休息

九龍佐敦德成街4-16號食療主義6-7號店 (MTR佐敦D或E出口)

  • 預約電話:2690 3128 WhatsApp 5463 1592
  • 每日 9:30am - 7:00pm,包括星期日及公眾假期
  • 年初一至五休息

What is Bioresonance Service?

Bioresonance is a health therapy that can bring numerous benefits to the whole family including pets. It does not involve drugs, causes no pain and is entirely non-invasive. It uses the frequencies in nature to boost our energy and positively influence our self-regulating mechanisms to ensure normal functioning of cells and organs. It can help identify allergens, boost our resistance to colds and flus, improve digestion, provide relief in chronic illnesses and act as a tool to prevent health issues from developing. It is safe to use by people and animals of all ages and health conditions. Our services involve using the Rayonex bioresonance system from Germany to test and identify areas of the greatest needs, and formulate strategies for health improvement. Apart from testing, bioresonance devices are perfect for providing harmonisations, which is the conducting of frequencies from meridians, chakras, physiological and pathological systems towards our body, for the balancing of our energy, tonifying where energy is lacking, and sedating where it is in excess.

Standard Pricing of our Rayonex Bioresonance Services

  • Initial Assessment: 90 minutes
  • Update Assessment: 75minutes

Includes Rayoscan and 7-minutes harmonisation by Polar, plus manual testing using Rayotensor for any food intolerances and imbalances in the body’s health regulation mechanisms.

  • Progress Assessment and Green Card Updating: 75 minutes

After the last Assessment, have there been improvements following change of diet or lifestyle, or upon taking bioresonance or other therapies? Our therapists will provide insights after bioresonance testing and update the green cards of those taking Polar or PS10 harmonisations.

  • Harmonisation: 60 minutes per session

Please call for pricing and booking details.

Bioresonance harmonisations can be done with the larger machine Polar, which takes a little less time, or with the smaller PS10 which is ideal for home use. We provide harmonisations and energy balancing with Polars in our shops.

PS10 Rental - Harmonisation for the whole family including pets!

  • Rental equipment: PS10 Basic + 2 Green Cards
  • Not included in the rental package: Fabric detector (single sheet $2,700)

Monthly Rental: $4,980
Security Deposit: $15,000
For "rent-to-buy" details please inquire with our shop staff.

Addresses and Contacts

Services on Hong Kong Island by Just Resonance Ltd
Room 1003, 10/F, Lucky Building, 39 Wellington Street, HK (Central MTR exit D2 )

  • For Appointment or Product Inquiries: Tel and WhatsApp 92215033
  • Open Monday to Saturday 9:30am - 6:30pm
  • Closed Sunday, Public Holidays and the first 5 days of the Lunar New Year

Services in Kowloon and New Territories by WeHealth Ltd
Shop 6, 4-16 Tak Shing Street, Kowloon (Jordan MTR Exit D or E)

  • For Appointment or product inquiries: Tel 2690 3128 WhatsApp 5463 1592
  • Open Daily 9:30am - 7:00pm
  • Closed the first 5 days of the Lunar New Year


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