食療主義 與 Building Biology Central 攜手提供家居電磁波檢測服務,希望增加客戶對電磁波影響和地理壓力的認知,從而作出簡單或適當的措施去改善環境與健康。
1. 電磁波家居環境檢測 - $2,500
2. 地理壓力家居環境檢測 - $2,500
3. 電磁波與地理壓力家居環境檢測 - $4,000
4. 置業前環境檢測 - $2,000
各項服務的諮詢與預約請致電:2152 2598,或電郵info@BBioCentral.com,或登上BBioCentral.com網址網上預約,亦可向食療主義店員查詢。
WeHealth Ltd in collaboration with Building Biology Central Ltd are pleased to offer Home Check Services that assess EMF and geopathic fields issues, with a view to reducing environmental stresses and promoting better sleep. Our services include:
1. EMF Check - $2,500
2. Geopathic Stress Check - $2,500
3. EMF and Geopathic Stress Check - $4,000
4. New Home Check - $2,000
All prices above are for up to 3 sleeping areas. A charge of $350 will be added for each additional sleeping area to be checked.
To make a booking, please call 2152 2598, or email info@bbiocentral.com, or book online through website bbiocentral.com.