死海鹽潤膚膏 Sea Magik Natural Skin Softener (75ml)
Sea Magik 死海鹽潤膚膏富含維他命和礦物質,能深層滋潤十分乾燥的皮膚,成分包括 甜杏仁油、椰子油、牛油果油、荷荷巴油、死海礦物鹽以及有機海藻,天然保濕不含人工香料。 適合成人和兒童用於面部和身體,可滋潤非常乾燥、受刺激或破損的皮膚以及易發牛皮癬/濕疹的皮膚。
Sea Magik Natural Skin Softener is a multi-purpose balm packed with vitamins and minerals that can moisturise very dry skin. Blending nourishing plant oils of Sweet Almond, Coconut, Avocado and Jojoba with Dead Sea Minerals and Organic Winged Kelp, it is naturally hydrating 100% free from artificial fragrance. Suitable for adults and children to use on face and body, and particularly beneficial for very dry, irritated or broken skin and psoriasis/eczema-prone skin.
Key ingredients: jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, Dead Sea salt, certified organic plant blend, organic tri-seaweed complex.
Made in England
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