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5G迷你 5G Mini-Rayonex

  • 1,28000

繼迷你能量盒大受歡迎後,Rayonex 推出了加強版 5G 迷你能量盒 (「5G迷你」),內置兩組兩極天線,發放兩個基本頻值,一方面促進細胞製造ATP (三磷酸腺苷) 增加能量,另一方面提升我們對 5G 輻射的抵禦能力,可以在5G干擾下保持精力充沛,氣定神閒。

高頻脈衝電磁波輻射與 Wi-Fi 遍佈城市,3G4G 網絡的電磁波已令很多人士受壓,5G 網絡會有更多發射器,只會帶來更頻繁的干擾。有 5G 迷你旁身,我們可以活動得更起勁,休息得更深層。

5G 迷你適合隨身攜帶,可放在工作桌上、床邊枕邊,或在口袋皮包裏,半徑 2米範圍內有效。無需用電或保養,只要不跌壞就可持續發放能量。建議用濕布經常抹淨防止積存塵埃或靜電。

按此 瀏覽更多Rayonex產品。

Following the success of the Mini-Rayonex, Rayonex has launched the 5G Mini-Rayonex (“5G Mini”) with dipole antenna systems emitting 2 fundamental frequency values - one boosting normal cell metabolism to increase ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the other strengthening us to 5G radiation. The combination can help us stay energetic but calm even when bombarded by 5G.

High frequency, pulse-modulated electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from mobile phone towers and Wi-Fi are everywhere to be found. The 3G or 4G networks have created stresses for people who are EMF-sensitive. The 5G standard requires even more antennas to provide coverage. With the 5G Mini at hand, we can stay strong and sleep better. 

5G Mini should be placed near our body, on the desk, at bedside, or carried in our pocket or bag. It has an effective radius of around 2 metres. It is not powered by electricity. No maintenance is required.  It can be used continuously provided it is not broken. It should be cleaned with a moist cloth to prevent the accumulation of dust, dirt or static.

Click here for more Rayonex products. 


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