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香蕉蘋果 + 士多啤梨蘋果迷你棒10件裝 That's it Banana + Strawberry Apple Mini Fruit Bar Mixed Pack (20g x 10)

  • 10800
  • $128.00

That's it 鮮果棒100% 天然、全素、無麩質、非基因改造、不含致敏原、無添加糖分。是辦公室及小朋友健康零食之選。隨時隨地方便享受你每日所需的水果。

成份 :蘋果、士多啤梨、香蕉 


That's It packs one full fruit serving into each delicious 20g fruit bar. Only 2 simple ingredients in each bar. 100% natural, plant-based, gluten-free, non-GMO, and allergen-free and no added sugars. Perfect for a healthy snack around the office, in the kid’s lunches, while working out, or anywhere on-the-go!

Ingredients : Apple, Strawberry, Banana 

Made in USA