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意大利有機熊仔蜂膠軟糖 Italian Organic Propolis Gummies Bear (80g)

  • 3600
  • $40.00


成份:有機蔗糖、有機米糖漿、有機野花蜂蜜 (5%)、有機蜂膠(0.5%)、有機濃縮果汁 (覆盆子、蘋果、柑橘、藍莓 (2%))、果膠、檸檬酸、天然香料。


Kontak 是一家意大利公司,生產多元化的有機蜂膠用品及蜂類補充品和零食。主要產品包括室內用蜂膠擴散器,全線使用高品質和可持續性的材料,大部分來自公平貿易和有機種植。

Gluten free natural organic fruit gummy snack without preservatives and colourings. Contains organic propolis and wildflower honey, nourishing and supporting health.

Ingredients : organic cane sugar, organic rice syrup, organic wildflower honey (5%), organic propolis (0.5%), organic fruit juice from concentrate (raspberry, apple, mandarin, blueberry (2%)), pectin, citric acid, natural flavours. 

Made in Italy

Kontak's propolis and honey come from uncontaminated environments based on Italian and organic sources, free of heavy metals, pesticides and antibiotics. 

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