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有機去核西莓軟乾果小食 Lou Prunel Organic Soft Dried Pitted Prunes (250g)

有機去核西莓軟乾果小食 Lou Prunel Organic Soft Dried Pitted Prunes (250g)

  • 6400
  • $72.00

Lou Prunel 有機去核西莓軟乾果擁有地理標誌保護(P.G.I.)認證,採用法國西南部種植Agen 西莓為省會的Lot-et-Garonne和周邊地區的果園。以傳統手法烘焙後去核製成,確保西莓幫助消化提升腸道蠕動的營養功效得以保存。無添加糖、防腐劑或任何其他添加劑,是全天然又美味的健康小食,老幼咸宜。




Lou Prunel Organic Soft Dried Pitted Prune is grown in orchards in Lot-et-Garonne and surrounding areas of Southwest of France Either sun dried or dried in oven in the traditional way and then pitted, the process ensures that the nutritious properties of the prunes that help digestion and improve intestinal peristalsis are preserved. With no added sugar, preservatives or any other additives, it's an all natural and delicious healthy snack for all ages.

Ingredients : Organic Agen Prune

Grown and packed in France