希臘黑加侖子乾 Nuts ‘N Nuts Sun-dried Corinthian Blackcurrants (90g)
Nuts 'N Nuts 的希臘黑加侖子被譽為「黑金」,是一種古希臘品種,小巧如珍珠,味道超甜而濃郁,是深受愛戴的傳統乾果,以人手精心採摘並在陽光下自然曬乾,保留最佳營養價值, 含豐富維他命C及抗氧化物。
成份:100% 希臘黑加侖子
Nuts 'N Nuts' blackcurrants come from an Ancient Greek Corinthian variety known as "Black Gold" (Vitis Vinifera), prized for its super sweet, pearl-sized intense flavours. Hand-harvested and naturally sun-dried, the best flavour and nutrition are preserved.
Ingredients : 100% Greek Corinthian Blackcurrants
Made in Greece
Vegan and Gluten Free.
Recipe :