有機皇家白藜麥 Nati Organic White Royal Quinoa (500g)
Nati 有機皇家白藜麥是保利維亞一種獨特的藜麥品種。這種藜麥只生長於海拔 3,600 米以上的保利維亞高原,到處只有草原和鹽田,種出兩、三米高的皇者藜麥,種籽比其他品種大營養豐富,可持續性種植方法完全有機、天然。
藜麥是「無麥麩」食品龍頭,作為主要食糧有悠久歷史,屬菜類種籽而非草類穀物,營養及生態多元化 (biodiversity) 價值近年來日益受到認同。
藜麥的優點除了無麵筋更容易消化外,比起米和小麥有更高蛋白質,較低糖份及血糖生成指數 (Glycemic Index)。藜麥富含氨基酸、礦物質及抗氧化物質。
成份:100% 有機藜麥
Nati Organic White Royal Quinoa, pre-washed (to remove saponin and sediment) and high grade (large seed size), comes from the Bolivian salt marsh of Uyuni located at more than 3.600 meters of altitude and its nutritional importance has long been recognised by pre-Columbian civilizations.
Often treated as a grain, quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) is in fact a seed which contains all the essential amino acids, high content of protein, oligo elements, vitamins. Gluten free nature makes it easy to digest. Compared to rice or wheat, it has a higher content of protein and a lower glycemic index. It's a good source of fibre and rich in calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese.
Ingredient : 100% organic royal quinoa
Product Of Bolivia
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