加拿大海洋骨膠原粉 Organika Marine Collagen Powder (250g)
膠原蛋白是體內最豐富的蛋白質,提供力量、彈性、色調和結構,有如膠水一樣「固定」著健康的皮膚、結締組織、肌肉和骨骼。 我們體內有27種不同類型的膠原蛋白, 1 型膠原蛋白是魚鱗和皮膚中含量最豐富的類型,是頭髮、皮膚和指甲最需要的。
加拿大 Organika 海洋膠原蛋白粉來自北大西洋野生捕撈的鱈魚、狹鱈和黑線鱈的鱗片, 每兩湯匙 (10 克) 含 35 卡路里,這些熱量全部來自 9 克蛋白質,不含碳水化合物或脂肪。
水解膠原蛋白 (魚鱗) 5克;
氨基酸:丙氨酸 9.1% (455 毫克)、精氨酸 5.4% (270 毫克)、天冬氨酸 4.6% (230 毫克)、甘氨酸 24.4% (1,220 毫克)、羥基賴氨酸 0.5% (25 毫克)、羥脯氨酸 7.3% (異亮氨酸毫克) 0.9% (45 毫克)、亮氨酸 2.1% (105 毫克)、賴氨酸 2.7% (135 毫克)、蛋氨酸 1.0% (50 毫克)、苯丙氨酸 1.4% (70 毫克)、脯氨酸 9.3% (465 毫克)、蛋白質 90% (4,500 毫克)、絲氨酸 3.0% (150 毫克)、蘇氨酸 2.9% (145 毫克)、纈氨酸 1.9% (95 毫克)。
Collagen is the most abundant form of protein in our body, providing us with strength, elasticity, tone and structure. It acts like the ‘glue’ that holds the body together, maintaining healthy skin, connective tissues, muscles and bones. Internally, we have 27 different types of collagen. Type 1 Collagen, the most abundantly found collagen type in fish scales and skin, primarily goes towards the health of our hair, skin and nails.
Organika’s Marine Collagen powder is Canadian-sourced, made from the scales of cod, pollock and haddock, wild caught in the North Atlantic. There are 35 calories in 2 tablespoons, all of which come from 9 grams of protein, with no carbohydrates or fats.
Ingredients in one full tablespoon of powder :
Hydrolyzed Collagen (Fish Scales) 5 g;
Amino Acids: Alanine 9.1% (455 mg), Arginine 5.4% (270 mg), Aspartic Acid 4.6% (230 mg), Glycine 24.4% (1,220 mg), Hydroxylysine 0.5% (25 mg), Hydroxyproline 7.3% (365 mg), Isoleucine 0.9% (45 mg), Leucine 2.1% (105 mg), Lysine 2.7% (135 mg), Methionine 1.0% (50 mg), Phenylalanine 1.4% (70 mg), Proline 9.3% (465 mg), Protein 90% (4,500 mg), Serine 3.0% (150 mg), Threonine 2.9% (145 mg), Valine 1.9% (95 mg)
Suggested Use:
Mix 2 heaping tablespoons (~10g) of Marine Collagen powder in half cup or more of your favourite hot or cold beverage daily. Can also be added to smoothies, baking goods, and other recipes.
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