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Loov 有機原粒野生藍莓 Organic Whole Wild Blueberries (113g)

  • 17800
  • $198.00

此有機原粒藍莓是野生品種,人手採摘自芬蘭有機森林,屬wild European blueberry, 又稱 bilberry,果肉跟果皮一樣是紫藍色的,有別於種植品種的白色果肉,花青素等抗氧化物質含量比種植的藍莓多四倍,格外明目養顏,十分難得。採摘後凍乾 (freeze dried) 保存所有抗氧化物質、維他命A和E、β-胡蘿蔔素及纖維,並抽樣由實驗室驗證抗氧化物質、多酚及植物營養素成分。




愛沙尼亞公司 Loov 漿果產品天然有機,全部人手採摘自北歐有機森林或種植園,不含添加糖、添加劑、填充物或防腐劑,不經基因改造,定期抽樣由獨立實驗室認證品質及營養成分。

Loov Organic Whole Wild Blueberries are handpicked from certified organic forests in Finland, freeze dried to retain valuable nutrients, and lab-tested for antioxidants, polyphenols, and phytonutrients. From a species called the wild European blueberry, also known as bilberry (Vaccinium Myrtillus), they contain 4 times more antioxidants such as anthocyanins than in cultivated blueberries (Vaccinium angustifolium, Vaccinum corymbosum). The pulp of these bilberries is of the same purplish colour as berry skin, while the pulp of cultivated berries are whitish.   Wild blueberries are rich in antioxidants, Vitamins A and E, beta-carotene and fibre.

Ingredients: Organic whole wild blueberries

Made in Estonia

Suggested use:  Enjoy anytime as a superfood snack.  Can add to the fresh cheese and flaxseed oil mixture of Budwig diet, mix in juice beverages and smoothies or add to breakfast cereals or granola for added deliciousness, texture and nutrition.  

Estonian company Loov makes berry products that are 100% organic and natural, using no added sugar, additives, fillers, or preservatives, non-GMO and lab tested for quality.


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