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SBH 潤眼營養軟膠囊 HydroEye by Science Based Health (120 softgels)

  • 36700
  • $408.00

SBH 潤眼營養軟膠囊是專利口服配方,經雙盲對照臨床研究,證實能紓緩眼乾,減低不適並保持眼角膜光滑健康,最適宜眼乾、眼睛老化、淚水不足、配戴隱形眼鏡、長期使用手機、電腦、經常乘搭飛機、或進行過激光矯視或其他眼科手術人士食用。

HydroEye 提供三種奧米加三脂肪酸,除了從純淨不經污染的魚油萃取的EPA及DHA外,還有來自黑加侖子油的GLA,這種脂肪酸被多個臨床研究顯示有助紓緩眼乾,但很少食物來源,不能從魚油或亞麻籽油獲取。

成分:維他命A (醇棕櫚酸酯及魚肝油)、E、C、B6、鎂、黑加侖子油 (含GLA與ALA)、奧米加三魚油 (含EPA與DHA);牛明膠、甘油、蜂膠、水、黏蛋白複合物、葵花籽卵磷脂、焦糖色素、二氧化鈦、檸檬油。



Science Based Health (SBH) 由美國眼科醫生群組於1997年成立,以科研基礎研發營養補充品,從護眼到補充整體健康,產品成份經嚴格挑選,並在美國有NSF®認証設施以達至或高於GMPs標準生產,有品質保證。

HydroEye by Science Based Health

HydroEye is a patented oral supplement that relieves dry eyes discomfit through supplying a proprietary blend of omega fatty acids (EPA, DHA and GLA), vitamins, magnesium and antioxidants to support a healthy tear film and soothe the ocular surface.

HydroEye has been tested in a double blind randomised controlled clinical trial and found to support eye comfort, reduce irritation and maintain corneal smoothness.  The results were published in the peer-reviewed eye health journal, Cornea, in October 2013. 

This unique supplement provides 3 kinds of omega-3 fatty acids: EPA and DHA from pure USP®-verified fish oil, and GLA from black currant seed oil.  GLA, which has few dietary sources, has been found to play a key role in reducing dry eye irritation in multiple clinical studies.  It cannot be obtained from flaxseed or fish oil. 

HydroEye is recommended as a nutritional supplement for relieving dry eyes discomfort due to age, tears deficiency, contact lens wear, frequent use of phones and computer, frequent flying, or LASIK surgery.


Vitamin A (retinylpalmitate and cod liver oil), E, C, B6, magnesium, black currant seed oil containing GLA and ALA, omega 3 fish oil containing EPA and DHA; bovine gelatin, glycerin, beeswax, water, mucin complex, sunflower lecithin, caramel colour, titanium dioxide, lemon oil.

Recommended dosage:  Take 2 softgels twice daily, best with meal.

Made in the USA

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