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日本有機辣椒柚子香料粉 Mitoku Organic Spice Blend Chili & Yuzu (14g)

  • 3400
  • $38.00


成分 (全部有機):紅辣椒 (Capsicum annuum) (42%)、柚子 (42%)、薑、蔥、洋蔥


Organic Spice Blend Chili & Yuzu has characteristic flavours of the Japanese red chilli pepper (capsicum annuum) and the peel of yuzu, a distinctive Japanese citrus fruit.  The spice blend's fiery flavour makes a great addition to soups, noodles, grilled dishes, marinades and sauces. 

Ingredients (all organic) : red chili pepper (42%), yuzu (42%), ginger, spring onions, onion

Made in Japan