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瑞典瑪利亞冷榨有機甜杏仁油 Maria Akerberg Cold-pressed Organic Almond Oil (100ml)

瑞典瑪利亞冷榨有機甜杏仁油 Maria Akerberg Cold-pressed Organic Almond Oil (100ml)

  • 13400
  • $149.00



瑞典Maria Akerberg品牌是著名良心企業,透明度高,材料天然純淨且不損害環境,以香薰和植物療法為基礎研發製成,不含礦物油或人造油,色素與香料全部來自天然精油及植物萃取物,不含動物副產品。

Cold-pressed organic sweet almond oil is suitable for both face and body. Almond oil is absorbed slowly, gently soothes skin and muscles and forms a protective layer.  It can also be used as an eye makeup remover. It gently removes mascara and eyeliner while it nourishes the lashes.

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