電磁波與地理壓力家居檢測 Home Check for EMF and Geopathic Stress
這是一個評估室內外電磁場強度,以及睡床位置是否受過強的地理壓力場所影響的綜合服務。 在電磁波的評估方面,我們會用專業測量儀器量度高頻電磁場、低頻電場及磁場,以及靜磁場。在地理壓力方面,我們會用生物共振原理的工具檢測地下水流場、地質斷層場,以及地球網格場,包括班克及科里地球網格,並提供減低電磁波與地理壓力影響的建議方案。
預約時間請致電 2690 3128 或 WhatsApp 5463 1592。
This home visit service combines an EMF Check for indoor and outdoor electromagnetic fields (EMF) and an investigation of geopathic fields around sleeping areas to assess health impacts that can lead to poor quality sleep.
For EMF assessment, we will check high frequency EMF power density, low frequency electric and magnetic fields, and static magnetic fields using technical instruments, and propose solutions for reducing harms from any excessive exposure.
For geopathic fields assessment, we will use devices operating on the principles of bioresonance to check the strength of ground water fields, geological fault fields, and global grid fields including the Benker and Curry grids. We will propose solutions for lessening any harmful effects that might be present.
*Charges only cover areas in Kowloon, Hong Kong Island and New Territories and not the outlying islands. There will be charges for extra transport costs such as ferry tickets and taxi fares for Lantau Island and other outlying islands based on actual receipts.
For bookings please call 2690 3128 or WhatsApp 5463 1592.
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