西班牙有機燕麥奶 Ecomil Organic Oat Drink (1L)
此產品最佳食用日期至 2025.01.23。售完即止。
Ecomil 有機燕麥奶用有機全穀燕麥製成,無添加糖、乳化劑或防腐劑,不含小麥麩質、牛奶或大豆成份。可直接飲用或用以浸泡燕麥、藜麥等穀物種籽果仁早餐,亦可用來打smoothie,或用作牛奶的替代品去製成蛋糕甜品。
成份:水、有機燕麥 (16%)、有機葵花籽油
Ecomil organic oat drink is delicious sugar-free and has no preservative and contains no wheat gluten, dairy or soy. Can drink directly or mix with cereals, add to smoothies or use as a milk substitute for making cakes and desserts.
Ingredients:Water, organic oat (16%), organic sunflower oil.
Made in Spain