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Cal Valls 葡萄牙鹽之花 Natural Salt - Flor de Sal (Portugal) 80g

  • 7200
  • $80.00

葡萄牙鹽之花是在葡萄牙Algarve 鹽沼澤人工採集,出產雅緻細薄的鹽片結晶

「鹽之花是鹽田裏最細嫩的結晶,一般比較多看到是法國產的鹽之花,其實在西班牙、葡萄牙也有生產。鹽之花是鹽田裏最細嫩的結晶,在法國的鹽場通常是由未出嫁的少女去採,因為產量很小,賣掉之後就成了少女出嫁的嫁妝,所以也鹽之花也常常被稱“新娘之鹽”( fleur de sel de guerande ,葡文 Flord e Sal)。小小細薄的鹽片結晶彷如花瓣一般的鹽之花,拿來點綴在牛扒上是最適合的!也可以用在甜點上,讓鹽的鹹味提升甜點的層次感。

產地: 葡萄牙


Flor de Sal translates as "Flower of Salt", collected manually from the salt marshes of the Algarve (Portugal). Very light crystals.

The traditional extraction process remains unchanged and seasonal. In May, the seawater floods the salt tanks, to later evaporate and start the crystallising process. The first flakes to surface are skimmed by hand with wooden tools. This most special of salts, “Flor de Sal” (Flower of Salt), has also been named “white gold”. Drying under the sun, the salt maintains its natural humidity and is very rich in magnesium, calcium, iodine and selenium. Without any artificial processing, it is produced in a sustainable way, in total harmony with nature and, therefore, internationally certified. Use your fingers to crush the “Flor de Sal” crystals and sprinkle over your food just before serving. Because it adds a delicate touch, bringing out the flavours in the dishes, it is an ingredient favoured by the best chefs.

Harvested in Algarve, Portugal