防彈原味中度烘焙咖啡粉 Bulletproof Original Medium Roast Ground Coffee (340g)
Bulletproof 防彈咖啡採用種植於中美危地馬拉及哥倫比亞等高山地區的高質素咖啡豆,經家族製造商獨特處理清洗後,純淨不含黴菌毒素,保證絕無使用殺蟲劑和化學添加劑,使咖啡能保存各種抗氧化有益養份而不會令人緊張或心跳加速。咖啡豆由美國頂級焙燒爐房在嚴密操控環境下烘焙,有品質保證。Bulletproof 防彈咖啡已成為國際時尚健康人士鍾愛品牌。
Bulletproof Original Medium Roast Ground Coffee has distinct notes of cinnamon, plum, and orange with a cocoa hazelnut finish. It is not an instant coffee and should be brewed with coffee filters, or French press immersion, or the vacuum brewing method, to properly extra the rich coffee flavours.
Bulletproof is a Rainforest Alliance certified company with direct partnership with farms in high altitude estates of Guatemala and Colombia to ensure sustainable operators. The Bulletproof process involves washing beans sustainably and drying them mechanically to remove fungal toxins. The products are certified clean coffee beans or ground coffee.