瑞典有機大蒜液 Brautigam's Organic Garlic Juice (500ml)
Brautigam's 是源自德國的近百年配方,現於瑞典生產,選用歐洲小型有機農場種植的新鮮大蒜,以專利祕方冷榨發酵製成,不經加熱或化學處理,不含防腐劑,是市面上唯一液態蒜頭補充品,提供最穩定的、容易為身體吸收的寶貴成分。
成份:純淨水、有機新鮮大蒜、 越橘莓天然防腐(E210)
建議用法:早晚一回,空肚,將一湯匙 (15毫升) 份量混入半杯至一杯清水飲用,飲用後過 20 分鐘才進食效果最佳,亦不會有口氣。如傷風、感冒或喉嚨痛,可增加份量和飲用次數。
This all-natural product without preservative is a patented formula of cold fermentation that ensures bioavailability of allicin and aojene. It supports the immune system, and relieves such symptoms as are commonly referred to as indigestion, hyperacidity and flatulence, as well as common colds, coughs, flu, hay fever, rhinitis, catarrh or blocked up sinuses.
Brautigam’s garlic juice has been in the market for nearly a century. Its original recipe was from Germany but is now produced in Sweden, using freshly harvested garlic from small organic farms in Europe. The patented formula of cold fermentation, without the use of heat and chemicals, ensures purity.
Ingredients: Purified water, organic fresh garlic, natural preservative (E210) as in lingonberries.
Serving directions:
Take one tablespoon (15ml) twice a day mixed in half or one glass of water. Refrain from eating for 20 minutes afterwards for best effect. There will be no remaining odour in the mouth. Can increase dosage and number of times a day when having a cold, flu or sore throat.
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