有機蘋果醋 Bragg's Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (16oz)
百年老號 Bragg 有機冷榨蘋果醋連醋母,不經過濾,富含天然發酵而成的益生菌,有助消化並維持血糖穩定。蘋果醋含豐富果膠、維他命B和C、葉酸、泛酸及乙酸。
This century-old Bragg cold-pressed apple cider vinegar with the mother brand is unfiltered, unpasteurised and fermented with the mother of vinegar, naturally producing good probiotic bacteria that aid digestion and help stabilise blood sugar levels. It is rich in pectin, Vitamins B and C, folic acid, pantothenic acid and acetic acid.
No need for refrigeration. Shake well and drink diluted with water, with added honey or maple syrup, or used as dressing for salads.
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