有機原生南瓜籽 Just Natural Organic Raw Pumpkin Seeds (125g)
南瓜籽富含鎂和鋅,兩種極重要的礦物質。鎂對心臟、關節、腸道和骨骼的健康很有幫助。鋅對消化、皮膚、提升免疫力和傷口的復原有幫助,並有保護前列腺功效。南瓜籽富含蛋白質氨基酸,其中的色胺酸 (tryptophan) 用作轉化為血清素 (seratonin) 再變成褪黑色素 (melatonin),有助促進睡眠。另南瓜籽含亞麻酸在體內可轉化爲奧米加三脂肪酸,有抗炎及保護細胞功效。
Pumpkin seeds are rich in magnesium and zinc. Magnesium is beneficial for heart, joint, intestinal and bone health. Zinc is essential for digestion, skin, immunity, wound recovery and prostate protection. Pumpkin seeds are rich in protein and amino acids. The tryptophan in them is used to convert into serotonin and then into melatonin, which helps promote sleep. In addition, pumpkin seeds contain linolenic acid, which can be converted into omega-3 fatty acids in the body, which has anti-inflammatory and cell-protecting effects.
Just Natural organic pumpkin seeds are organically sourced within Europe and have many culinary uses and can be added to granola, biscuits, bread, salads, and are also frequently added to rice and sauces.
Packaged in UK