瑞典粉劑益生菌 ProBion ProBiMin Powder (250g)
ProBion ProbiMin 粉劑益生菌可沖水飲用,適合難以進食片劑的人士,也適合混入食糧餵飼寵物,幫助消化,提升腸道健康。
60億CFU益生菌:乳雙歧桿菌、嗜酸乳桿菌、植物乳桿菌、副乾酪乳桿菌、保加利亞乳桿菌;菊糖 (益生元)。不含麥麩、牛奶或大豆。
ProBion ProbiMin powder can be taken mixed in water, and is suitable for those with difficulty swallowing tablets and for animals. It promotes good digestion and intestinal health.
Ingredients: 6 billion CFU bacteria consisting of Bifidobacterium lactis, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactobacillus bulgaricus; Inulin (prebiotics). Free from gluten, dairy and soy.
Suitable for all including infants, pregnant women and the elderly.
Made in Sweden
Recommended dosage: 1 teaspoon (3.5g) 1-3 times a day mixed in water. Best taken after meals. For infants under 6 months is 1/2 teaspoon per day, taken in 1-3 times mixed in water or milk. Dosage for pets depends on size of pet. For cats, for instance, give 1/4 teaspoon mixed in food 1-3 times a day.
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