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德國全面礦物質補充膠囊 TISSO Pro Mineral Complete (300 capsules)

  • 48100
  • $535.00

德國全面礦物質補充膠囊提供完美劑量配方,含有多種形式的鈣、鎂、鉀、鋅、錳和其他 6 種重要微量元素。每日劑量已足夠補充身體所需礦物質,促進新陳代謝及正常的肌肉骨骼功能。

採用來自冰島西峽灣 (Aquamin™-Mineralkomplex) 附近可持續收穫的野生天然紅藻 (red alga Lithothamnium calcareum)。紅藻含豐富及高質量的鈣、鎂及其他多種必須礦物質及微量元素。由於紅藻天然和多孔的表面結構,所提供的藻類碳酸鹽比化學結合的碳酸鹽在鹽酸中溶解得更好,更易被身體吸收。

鈣和鎂 1:1 的比例恰到好處,鈣不但補骨,更有助神經傳遞、酵素正常運作,以及維持血液正常凝固。鎂助長蛋白質合成為肌肉,維持電解質平衡,促進肌肉伸縮自如,支援神經系統,舒緩身心並減低疲勞。

成份:雙甘胺酸鎂(26.6%)、五水乳酸鈣(25.1%) 葡萄糖酸鉀(16.0%) 普魯蘭膠囊蘋果酸鎂(5.1%)竹提取物(矽)(2.8%) L-亮氨酸(2.1%) 抗壞血酸棕櫚酸酯氯化鉀(2.0%) Aquamin™(紅藻 Lithothamnium calcareum)(1.8%) MCT粉末(1.1%) 葡萄糖酸鋅(0.6%)單-L-甲硫氨酸硫酸鋅(0.4%)十水合四硼酸二鈉(0.3%) 硒酸鈉(0.2%)葡萄糖酸錳雙甘氨酸銅 雙甘氨酸錳吡啶甲酸鉻 二水鉬酸鈉

不含麩質、乳糖、酵母和果糖。 素食。天然成分,不添加防腐劑和人工添加劑。




Pro Mineral Complete provides an excellent mineral complex with multiple forms of calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, maganese and 6 other trace elements in a perfectly dosed formulation. The unique spectrum of these 17 inorganic salts with selected organic amino and fruit acid chelates ensures an optimal absorption and suitable for sensitive people.

High calcium and mineral content comes from the red alga Lithothamnium calcareum, which is harvested sustainably off the Westfjords of Iceland (Aquamin™-Mineralkomplex). This Icelandic seaweed provides plenty of natural form of calcium, magnesium and an additional 72 trace elements. Thanks to the natural and porous surface structure, the algae carbonates dissolve better in hydrochloric acid than chemically combined carbonate compounds thus enhanceing absorption.

Formulated with calcium and magnesium in an evolutionary 1:1 ratio. Calcium plays an essential role in cell division, strengthening bones, boosting enzymes for digestion, promoting normal transmission of nerve signals and regulating blood coagulation. Magnesium contributes to protein synthesis for muscle building, helps maintain electrolyte balance which is important for muscle contraction and relaxation, supports the nervous system, soothes emotions and eases fatigue and exhaustion.

IngredientsMagnesium bisglycinate (26.6%); calcium lactate¹pentahydrate (25.1%); potassium gluconate (16.0%); pullulan (capsule shell size 00); magnesium malate (5.1%); bamboo extract (silicon) (2.8%); L-leucine (2.1%); anti-caking agents: ascorbyl palmitate; potassium chloride (2.0%); Aquamin™ (red algae Lithothamnium calcareum) (1.8%); MCT powder (coconut-based MCT oil, stabiliser: gum arabic) (1.1%); zinc gluconate (0.6%); zinc mono-L-methionine sulphate (0.4%); Di-sodium tetraborate decahydrate (0.3%); sodium selenate (0.2%); manganese gluconate; copper bisglycinate; manganese bisglycinate; chromium picolinate; sodium molybdate dihydrate

¹Right turning lactic acid

Recommended dosage: Take 10 capsules with sufficient liquid throughout the day.

Free of gluten, lactose, yeast and fructose. Vegan.

100% natural ingredients without added preservatives and artificial additives (flavour enhancers, colourings, flavours and sweeteners).

Made in Germany

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