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德國布緯奧米加三油 Cellgold (更年期) Dr Budwig Omega 3 Cellgold MenoBalance (250ml)

  • 14900
  • $298.00

布緯奧米加三油 Cellgold (更年期) 由多種有機植物油冷榨製成,以亞麻籽油為主,配搭紅三葉草花的天然草本精華,能平衡及舒緩更年期遇到的身心不適。微藻提供ALA、EPA及DHA 奧米加三脂肪酸, 有助眼、心臟及腦部健康同時保護細胞抵抗應激反應。其他有機天然成份包括月見草油、有機沙棘油,有機牛油果油組合天然,充滿協同效應。


成份:有機亞麻籽油 (67.7%)、有機月見草油、有機亞麻籽(7.8%)、富含ALA、DHA、 及EPA奧米加三脂肪酸微藻(Microalgae Schizochytrium sp)(4%)、有機摩洛哥堅果油、有機紅三葉草花(3%)、有機沙棘油、有機牛油果油及葵花籽油。

未開封也需要保持冷藏。開封後建議每天食用一至二湯匙 (每湯匙15ml)。


Dr. Budwig Omega-3 Cellgold MenoBalance provides essential support and balance for discomfort during menopause. Also supply optimal all round omega-3 primary care. It is a tasty mixture of cold pressed organic ingredients including extra virgin flaxseed oil, lignans from ground flaxseed, ground red clover flowers, DHA- and EPA-rich oil from the microalgae Schizochytrium, argan oil, sea buckhorn oil and avocado oil.

Red clover flowers and flaxseed contain natural hormone balancing plant substances which help physical and emotional symptoms during menopause. The all-in-one Omega-3 fatty acids alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)-3 fatty acids support well-being of vision, heart and brain health and offer cell protection against oxidative stress. 

Ingredients: 67.7% flaxseed oil*, evening primrose oil*, 7.8% ground flaxseed*, 4% DHA- and EPA-rich oil from the microalgae Schizochytrium sp., roasted argan oil*, 3% red clover flowers*, sea buckthorn pulp oil*, avocado oil*, sunflower oil.


Please keep refrigerated even before opening.  Suggested intake: 1-2 tablespoons daily (15ml per tablespoon). 

Made in Germany

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