瑞典益生菌 BioGut Probiotics (150 tablets)
新產品 BioGut,由瑞典ProBion ABCD益生菌公司 Wasa Medicals 研製, 精選菌種配搭益生元,以低壓縮力製成乾爽片劑,確保益菌長久存活並順利達至大腸發揮功效,促進消化排便排毒。此新推出獨家配方混合 Basic、Clinica 與 Daily 優點,紓緩多種消化狀況,由腸道蠕動緩慢至急速都可發揮效益。
成分: 50億CFU益生菌:植物乳桿菌、乳雙歧桿菌、 嗜酸乳桿菌;菊糖 (益生元);黃原;蔬菜硬脂酸美。不含麥麩、牛奶或大豆。
- 每日1-4次,每次1-3粒。飽肚服用效果最佳。
- 七歲以下小童可服用成人一半的份量。
- 嬰兒可服用成人四分一分量,將片劑磨成粉加入飲用水或奶,分多次少量餵飼。
BioGut 益生菌強項:
- 瑞典片劑特別配方,將菌種和益生元組合通過低壓縮力,製成比膠囊乾爽十倍的片劑益生菌,確保菌叢在最佳使用期內保持長久存活性。
- 菌種和黃原的配搭,確保益菌能避免胃酸和膽汁的破壞順利達至大腸發揮效力。
- 菌叢的選擇以針對性功效為主,以質勝量,快速達到效果。
- 片劑有控制性地在消化道緩慢溶解釋出,維時達180分鐘,確保益菌在腸道發揮最大功效。
- 無需冷藏,益生菌存活率特高,在最佳使用期屆滿時含量達八成。
Wasa Medicals 產品 Clinica 於2016年被採用為臨床研究用的益生菌,證實其所含的益菌能直達大腸發揮功效。關於臨床研究可參考此連結:
BioGut probiotics include prebiotics, are resistant to oxygen and humidity, and can safely pass through the gastroinestinal tract to thrive in the large intestines. The tablets are produced by Swedish probiotics maker Wasa Medicals using low compression freeze dry technology to ensure greatest viability of bacteria cultures. Good for digestion, detox and elimination.
Suggested dosage: 1-3 tablets 1-4 times a day. Best taken with food or after meals.
Children under 7 can take half the adult dosage.
Infants can take 1/4 the adult dosage by grinding the tablets into powder and take with water or milk and fed little by little.
BioGut's strengths:
- Unique tablet structure protects probiotic bacteria from oxygen, moisture and stomach acids;
- Mixture of probiotics and prebiotics ensures long life of probiotics;
- Controlled release in large intestines ensures maximum activation of live bacteria in the right place;
- Long shelf life without need for refrigeration;
Produced after years of research and clinical trial showing efficacy of tablet structure.
Suggested dosage: 1-3 tablets 1-4 times a day. Best taken with food or after meals.
Children under 7 can take half the adult dosage.
Infants can take 1/4 the adult dosage by grinding the tablets into powder and take with water or milk and fed little by little.
BioGut's strengths:
- Unique tablet structure protects probiotic bacteria from oxygen, moisture and stomach acids;
- Mixture of probiotics and prebiotics ensures long life of probiotics;
- Controlled release in large intestines ensures maximum activation of live bacteria in the right place;
- Long shelf life without need for refrigeration;
Produced after years of research and clinical trial showing efficacy of tablet structure.
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