法國有機初榨冷壓牛油果油 Emile Noël Organic Cold Pressed Virgin Avocado Oil (250ml)
Emile Noël 100% 有機初榨冷壓牛油果油採用法國傳統手藝冷壓製成,品質優厚。
牛油果油富含單元不飽和脂肪酸以及維他命 E,對心臟及心血管有益,而且冒煙點高達攝氏250° (華氏482°) ,油質穩定不易氧化可用以中高溫煮食。
成份 : 100% 有機初榨冷壓牛油果油
Avocado oil is a heart-healthy oil rich in oleic acid, the monounsaturated fat that helps with cholesterols. It also contains vitamin E which helps the body absorb other fat-soluble vitamins. With a high smoke point at 250 °C (482 °F) and delicious flavour, avocado oil is a stable oil that can be used for light cooking.
Ingredients: 100% organic virgin fair trade avocado oil
Made in France
Emile Noël has over 100 years of history of oil production in France. Since foundation, Emile Noël has always honored traditional, artisanal methods keeping the value of preserving the authenticity of each seed, each fruit. Production uses old screw presses, dating back to the beginnings of the mill in 1960. These presses are kept in perfect working order, guaranteeing slow extraction at temperatures below 60°C.
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