35% OFF 瑞典瑪利亞護手旅行套裝 Maria Akerberg Hand Care Set
護手旅行套裝包括:Hand Cream Sweet Breeze 春風潤手霜 (30ml)、Hand Cream Beautiful 秀麗潤手霜 (30ml)、Hand Refreshener 消毒潔手液 (30ml) 各一枝。旅行、送禮或試用精選。
Hand Cream Sweet Breeze 春風潤手霜 (30ml) 含荷荷芭油、向日葵籽油、油菜籽油、蜂蠟及乳木果,芳香氣味來自雲呢拿提取物以及西柚及薄荷的天然精油。
Hand Cream Beautiful 秀麗潤手霜 (30ml) 含有天然防曬霜、維他命C 和多種純精油包括檸檬、佛手柑、橙和小荳蔻,令肌膚細滑芳香。
Hand Refreshener 消毒潔手液 (30ml) 含20%酒精及來自椰子和粟米的表面活性劑,簡便快捷潔淨和消毒雙手。蘆薈和苦橙葉精油,性質溫和、清新芬芳同時保濕滋潤雙手。
Maria Akerberg 是瑞典良心企業,透明度高,材料天然純淨不損害環境,以香薰和植物療法為基礎,色素與香味都來自天然精油及植物提取物,不含礦物油、水銀、甲醛、對羥基苯甲酸酯等有害化學物質。
Hand Care Set consists of a bottle of Hand Cream Sweet Breeze (30ml), Hand Cream Beautiful (30ml) and Hand Freshener (30ml) in a handy set that is ideal for travel, trial use or presenting as a gift.
Hand Cream Sweet Breeze is an emollient cream that moisturises dry skin on hands and body. It contains jojoba oil, sunflower oil, rapeseed oil, beeswax and shea butter all help soften dry skin. Vanilla extract and essential oils of grapefruit and peppermint add a sweet and fresh scent.
Hand Cream Beautiful is an emollient and protective cream with natural sunscreen, Vitamin C and essential oils. Essential oils of Lemon, Bergamot, Orange and Cardamom leave your skin soft and wonderfully scented.
Hand Freshener is a cleansing product for hands, contains 20% alcohol and surfactants from coconut and corn that keep hands fresh and sanitised. Dries quickly and does not have to be rinsed off. Made with a skin-friendly formula, with hydrating aloe vera and aromatic essential oil of petitgrain, that provides moisturising properties and a fresh scent.
Made in Sweden
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