30% OFF 瑞典瑪利亞木瓜美容套裝 Maria Akerberg Papaya Face Care Set
木瓜美容套裝包括:Olive Cleansing 橄欖潔面乳 (30ml)、Papaya Peeling 木瓜去角質啫哩 (30ml)、Face Mask More 緊緻面膜 (15ml) 各一枝。旅行、送禮或試用精選。
Olive Cleansing 橄欖潔面乳適用於乾燥或敏感肌膚,可輕柔有效去除化妝。 不含肥皂或表面活性劑,而採用了橄欖油輕輕溶解化妝,成分亦包括平衡性和防腐性的苦橙油。
Papaya Peeling 木瓜去角質啫哩含有提取自木瓜籽的蛋白酶,有助防止黑頭形成,輕柔有效地去除角質令肌膚嫩滑。全天然不含化學合成物、礦物油或防腐劑。適合所有皮膚,十分溫和可用於敏感皮膚。
Face Mask More 緊緻面膜能深層更新、收緊、保濕和舒緩面部肌膚。適合所有膚質,敏感肌膚亦可使用。多種滋潤緊緻成份包括波斯合歡樹提取物、沙棘油、橙花和乳香精油迅速增加肌膚更新,提升細胞活力彈性和撫平細紋。
Maria Akerberg 是瑞典良心企業,透明度高,材料天然純淨不損害環境,以香薰和植物療法為基礎,色素與香味都來自天然精油及植物提取物,不含礦物油、水銀、甲醛、對羥基苯甲酸酯等有害化學物質。
Papaya Face Care Set includes Olive Cleansing (30ml), Papaya Peeling (30ml) and Face Mask More (15ml) in a handy set that is ideal for travel, trial use or presenting as a gift.
Olive Cleansing is excellent for for dry or sensitive. It gently removes make-up with no soap or synthetic surfactants in its ingredients. Olive oil is cleansing and Pomeran oil is balancing and antiseptic.
Papaya Peeling contains Papaya extract, which gently dissolves dead skin cells. Suitable for sensitive skin and is recommended 1-2 times a week.
Face Mask More is a firming, moisturising and calming facial mask for all skin types, even sensitive skin. The extracts from the Persian silk tree, sea buckthorn oil, essential oils of neroli and frankincense made this mask particularly beneficial for deep skin renewal.
Made in Sweden
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