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能量盾 (只供參考) Rayo-Guard (Ref Only)

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We能量電磁輻射防護尺及其他Rayonex產品可於食療主義佐敦或中環店查詢購買或按此購買Rayonex EMF products and other Rayonex products can be purchased at WeHealth stores in Jordan or Central or click here to buy



Rayo-Guard emits harmonious frequencies that strengthen our defences against electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites, and including the still raging Coronaviruses. The frequencies are stored in a memory chip and transferred via a dipole-antenna.  

Effective radius is 2m.  Place nearby or carry on body. Energy will be constantly emitted to strengthen us within a 2m radius. 

*We have a specially designed necklace for wearing the Rayo-Guard as a pendant.  

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