瑞典益生菌 ProBion Clinica tablets (150粒片劑)
- 改善消化、排便、排毒
- 幫助身體利用礦物質與維他命
- 提升乳糖消化能力
- 提升免疫力防禦感染
- 調節腸道蠕動節奏
- 保護腸道黏膜減低食物過敏風險
- 減低炎症
- 為服用抗生素後補充益菌
ProBion Clinica 適合消化長期失調,或便秘或腸道蠕動太急狀況,以及服用抗生素後需要補充。
100億CFU益生菌:乳雙歧桿菌、嗜酸乳桿菌;菊糖 (益生元)、黃原、蔬菜硬脂酸鎂。不含麥麩、牛奶或大豆。
ProBion 益生菌的強項:
- 瑞典片劑特別配方,將菌種和益生元組合通過低壓縮力,製成比膠囊乾爽十倍的片劑益生菌,確保菌叢在最佳使用期內保持長久存活性。
- 菌種和黃原的配搭,確保益菌能避免胃酸和膽汁的破壞順利達至大小腸發揮效力。
- 菌叢的選擇以針對性功效為主,以質勝量,快速達到效果。
- 片劑有控制性地在消化道緩慢溶解釋出,維時達180分鐘,確保益菌在腸道發揮最大功效。
- 無需冷藏,益生菌存活率特高,在最佳使用期屆滿時含量達八成。
ProBion Clinica 於2016年被採用為臨床研究用的益生菌,證實其所含的益菌能直達大腸發揮強大功效。
ProBion Clinica is suitable for those with long-term irregular digestion. Also ideal for supplementing after taking antibiotics.
Ingredients (per tablet):
10 billion CFU bacteria consisting of Bifidobacterium lactis, Lactobacillus acidophilus; Inulin (prebiotics), xanthan, magnesium stearate.
Free from gluten, dairy and soy.
Suitable for all including infants, pregnant women and the elderly.
Made in Sweden
Recommended dosage:
- 1-2 tablets once to twice a day. Best taken after meals.
- Children under the age of 7 should take half the dosage of adults.
- Infants should take 1/4 the dosage of adults with tablets ground into powder and mixed with water or milk, to be fed little by little throughout the day.
ProBion’s Strengths:
- Dry tablets produced with Swedish low compression technology have 10x more resistance to oxygen and humidity than capsules, ensuring greater viability of live bacteria;
- Unique mixture of live bacteria and inulin (prebiotics) ensures protection from gastric and bile acids in safe passage through GI tract;
- Customised for different digestive conditions, with fast effect achieved through quality over quantity;
- Slow dissolution of tablet over 180 minutes ensures maximum deposit and activation of live bacteria in large intestines.
- No need for refrigeration, with high bacteria survivability of up to 80% at use-by date.
ProBion Clinica was used in a human clinical study in 2016, which showed live bacteria reaching the large intestines to produce therapeutic effect.
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