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澳洲農場無麥麩小紅莓堅果穀物早餐 Brookfarm Gluten Free Macadamia Muesli with Cranberry (350g)

  • 7900
  • $88.00


成分:蕎麥、米糠、蜂蜜、爆米花、澳洲堅果 (7%)、澳洲堅果油、葵花籽、小紅莓 (5%)、藜麥 (4%)、南瓜籽、天然提子乾、加侖子、爆藜麥花、莧菜籽、西莓汁。


This gluten-free muesli blends high-protein quinoa, buckwheat, macadamia nuts with Australian grains and honey, and is then lightly roasted with macadamia oil in the oven. Antioxidant rich cranberries, sultanas and black and red currants from the Barossa region are added with local macadamia nuts.  The result is a nutritious, delicious breakfast muesli!

Ingredients: Buckwheat, rice bran, honey, puffed rice, macadamia nuts (7%), macadamia oil, sunflower kernels, cranberries (5%) [cranberries, sugar, sunflower oil], quinoa (4%), pumpkin kernels, natural sultanas, currants, puffed buckwheat, amaranth, prune juice.

Made in Australia

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