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法國有機蒜茸 Emile Noel Organic Garlic Puree (90g)

法國有機蒜茸 Emile Noel Organic Garlic Puree (90g)

  • 6700
  • $75.00

Emile Noël 的有機蒜茸採用法國普羅旺斯種植的新鮮有機大蒜,在當地採用傳統生產方法製成。最適合用來烹調蔬菜、魚或海鮮菜式,用來整法式蒜茸包更有地道風味。

成分:有機蒜 (60%)、有機葵花籽油、天然海鹽、濃縮檸檬汁。


Emile Noël 是一家來自普羅旺斯地區的傳統法國磨坊,有超過 100 多年歷史,是法國首家獲得認證的有機種子磨坊。

Emile Noel Organic Garlic Puree is made from fresh superior organic garlic grown and packaged in Provence with traditional production method. Excellent condiment to add authentic flavor to fish, seafood and vegetables dishes or make the best garlic baguette. 

Ingredients: Organic garlic (60%), organic sunflower oil, natural sea salt, organic lemon concentrate

Made in France

Emile Noël is a traditional French miller from the Provence region established over 100 years ago and the first mill in France to press seeds from certified organic farming.

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