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法國百合洋薊膠囊 Artichoke Extract Plus (90 capsules)

  • 54900
  • $610.00

法國百合洋薊膠囊採用 100% 有機洋薊葉萃取製成,每粒有400毫克,富含洋薊酸(cynarin)、洋薊多酚(polyphenols)、綠原酸(chlorogenic acid)、類黃酮(flavonoid)、維他命及微量元素,水溶性容易吸收,有助疏肝利膽,解熱消滯令血氣暢通,適合熱氣、消化不良、睡眠不足、飲食多油高鹽的忙碌人士。


成份 : 100% 有機洋薊葉片萃取、植物纖維膠囊



Artichoke Extract Plus uses 100% organic artichoke leave extract, providing 400mg per capsule with high content of cynarin, polyphenols, chlorogenic acid, flavonoids, vitamins and minerals for support of liver, gallbladder, kidney and digestive functions and the relief of heatiness and indigestion.  It is water soluble with easy absorption and utilisation by the body. 

The artichokes used in this capsule formula are grown organically in the producer's own farm in Nantou, Taiwan at an altitude of 1,650m, without the use of chemical fertilisers or pesticides. Taiwan Tian-Jian Biotechnology Co set up the farm to produce whole artichokes as fresh vegetables as well as for making teas and supplements.  Their artichokes are certified organic by Taiwan Organic Production Association. 

Artichokes, known as the "king of vegetables" in Mediterranean countries, is a superfood with a long history as a valuable ingredient in cuisines and health supplements.

Ingredient : 100% organic artichoke leaf extracts, vegetable cellulose capsule

Suggested use : 3 capsules a day

Made in Taiwan

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