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櫻桃李 (cherry plum) 跟其他有核的桃、李、梅子一樣,充滿了果膠。果膠是很有益的纖維食物,在消化道內吸收水分變成成啫喱狀,一方面幫手排出綑綁了血脂的膽酸,另一方面減慢消化,穩定血糖。這種可溶性纖維亦是寶貴的益生元,在大腸內作為益菌的食糧,助長益菌繁殖,等於補充益生菌。



  1. 櫻桃李(俗稱野酸梅)1 公斤,洗淨浸水
  2. 切開一半,去核
  3. 加食水 75毫升
  4. 加糖半杯(可用黑糖、椰花糖、蔗糖、白糖)- 不怕酸可以減糖/li>
  5. 加鹽半茶匙(可用海鹽或岩鹽)
  6. 開火煮至水滾,期間用膠鏟子輕輕攪拌,再用手持電動攪拌棒打成醬汁
  7. 水滾後用中細火多煮30-40分鐘
  8. 試果醬:放一茶匙煮好的果醬在冰凍的碟子上,確保不太流質,否則多煮一會
  9. 準備消毒過的瓶子,將滿意的果醬趁熱倒入
  10. 蓋上牛油紙密封後完成!


Orchard-to-Table Cherry Plum Jam Recipe


  1. Wash and soak Cherry Plums 1 kg
  2. Cut each into half and remove pit
  3. Add filtered water 75ml
  4. Add 1/2 cup sugar (can use Muscovado, coconut flower, cane or white sugar) - can reduce sugar if OK with tart taste/li>
  5. Add 1/2 teaspoon salt (can use sea or rock salt)
  6. Cook in high heat until boiling. In the meantime stir lightly with spatula, then use electric hand blender to pulp into jam
  7. Upon boiling reduce heat to medium low and simmer for 30-40 minutes
  8. Jam test: place 1 teaspoon jam on an ice cold plate and check that it is not too runny. Otherwise simmer a little longer
  9. Pour jam with satisfactory consistency into sterilised jar while still hot
  10. Cover with baking paper and fasten with lid. Done!

Cherry plum jam is rich in pectins, anthocyanin, fibre and minerals. Excellent for bright eyes, digestion, detox and nourishing the good bacteria in our intestines.


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