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西班牙有機蕃茄汁細樽 Cal Valls Organic Tomato Juice (200ml)

  • 1900
  • $22.00

西班牙有機蕃茄汁採用西班牙土生土長有機蕃茄製造,無添加糖或防腐劑。蕃茄汁熱量低,提供高膳食纖維,包括可溶性膳食纖維 (果膠) 以及多種維他命和礦物質。蕃茄汁富含抗氧化劑蕃茄紅素,提供多元化的健康益處。



產地: 西班牙


Cal Valls organic tomato Juice uses local Spanish tomatoes, without any preservatives.

Tomato juice is low calorie providing good source of dietary fiber, including soluble dietary fiber (pectin) and vitamins and minerals. Tomato juice is particularly rich in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant with impressive health benefits.

Ingredients : Organic tomato juice, sea salt, organic aromatic plants and organic lemon juice

Use : Serve directly, refrigerate after opening and consume within 7 days. 

Made in Spain

Cal Valls had the Demeter quality certification since 1991. This international seal certifies the method of biodynamic agriculture, which apply to all Cal Valls crops.