納米活性B12噴劑 MedLab NanoCelle Activated B12 Spray (30ml)
澳洲公司 NanoCelle™ 的納米維他命分子能為口腔內壁粘膜血管直接吸收,比腸胃道吸收更快、更容易被身體利用維他命B12的活性成分。
每次噴兩噴於口腔左右兩邊內壁,即可攝取達 1000 μg單位的維他命B12,此配方有薄荷香味,不含酒精、麩質或乳製品,素食者都可以服用。
成分(每兩噴 / 300微升):
維他命B12 (1000μg)、純淨水、蓖麻油、 甘油、薄荷純精油、檸檬酸、山梨鹽鉀、甜葉菊、維他命E、葵花籽油。
此產品為日常生活保健食品而非醫藥用品,沒有根據《藥劑業及毒藥條例》或《中醫藥條例》註冊。 我們作出的任何聲稱亦沒有為進行該等註冊而接受評核。 資料只供參考,產品並不供作診斷、治療或預防任何疾病之用。
NanoCelle™ Activated B12 contains vitamins in nano-particle size that can be absorbed into bloodstreams lining the insides of the cheeks. This ensures faster and more direct absorption and utilisation as the gastro-intestinal tract can be bypassed.
Just 2 sprays inside the mouth, onto the left and right sides of the oral-buccal membranes, can yield 1,000 μg of Vitamin B12. This formula has a light menthol taste, contains no alcohol, gluten or diary ingredients, and can be taken by vegans and vegetarians.
Vitamin B12 can boost energy, reduce stress, help red blood cell production, and support our nervous system.
Ingredients in each dose of 2 sprays / 300 micro-litres:
Vitamin B12 (Mecobalamin) 1000 μg; Purified water, Castor oil, Glycerin, Peppermint essential oil, Citric acid, Potassium sorbate, Stevia, D-alpha-tocopherol (Vitamin E ), Sunflower seed oil.
Made in Canada
Directions for use:
Take 2 sprays once a day. Spray on the inside of the cheeks.
This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.
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