33% OFF 瑞典瑪利亞補濕美容套裝 Maria Akerberg Moist Face Care Set
補濕美容套裝包括:Foaming Wash Gentle 溫和潔面泡 (30ml)、AHA & Jojoba Peeling 天然去角質啫哩 (30ml)、Face Mask Moist 保濕面膜 (15ml) 各一枝。旅行、送禮或試用精選。
Foaming Wash Gentle 溫和潔面泡是基本潔面的全天然選擇,適合所有皮膚包括敏感皮膚,清潔成分提取自粟米、椰子以及橙、薰衣草、橙花和乳香等純精油,有天然防腐成分,不含礦物油、化學防腐劑。
AHA & Jojoba Peeling 天然去角質啫哩內含果酸與荷荷芭有效清除黑頭、粉刺,並防止黑色素積聚。成分中的乳酸 (AHA) 顆粒提取自甜紅菜頭及荷荷芭,柔和地去除死皮不傷害皮膚或導致敏感狀況。乳酸非常有效清除表皮的黑色素和代謝物,有輕微漂白作用。
Face Mask Moist 保濕面膜適合所有膚質。 有助提升皮膚質素,增加彈力,減少細紋皺紋。 草本鹽與冷壓荷荷巴油為肌膚保持充足水份,柑橘與苦橙花油有紓緩作用並提升細胞更新。
瑞典Maria Akerberg品牌是著名良心企業,透明度高,材料天然純淨且
Moist Face Care Set includes Foaming Wash Gentle (30ml), AHA & Jojoba Peeling (30ml) and Face Mask Moist (15ml) in a handy set that is ideal for travel, trial use or presenting as a gift.
Foaming Wash Gentle is a foaming cleanser for sensitive skin. It is based on cleansing ingredients from corn and coconut and essential oils of Orange, Lavender, Neroli and Frankinsence.
AHA & Jojoba Peeling is an acid and mechanical exfoliator for all skin types. The combination of natural Lactic Acid (AHA) from sugar beets and small granules extracted from Jojoba oil prevents blackheads and acne, while restoring lustre and counteracting hyperpigmentation. The granules from Jojoba oil in AHA & Jojoba Peeling have the perfect size and shape to gently remove dead skin cells without irritating the skin. Lactic Acid prevents accumulation of melanin to form in the skin, and has a brightening effect on hyperpigmentation.
Moisturising Mask is perfect for all skin types. It helps strengthen your skin, improve texture, and it reduces fine lines and wrinkles. Moisturising Mask provides moisture for your skin with the help of herb salts that retain moisture and cold pressed jojoba oil that adds moisture to your skin. Mandarin and neroli oils promote cell renewal and Neroli oil (derived from bitter orange blossom) helps to sooth the skin, stimulate cell renewal and prevent bursting of veins.
Made in Sweden
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