30% OFF 瑞典瑪利亞護髮旅行套裝 Maria Akerberg Hair & Body Care Set
護髮旅行套裝包括:Energy Hair & Body Shampoo 能量洗髮露 (30ml)、Energy Hair Conditioner 能量護髮素 (30ml)、Energy Body Lotion 能量護膚露 (30ml) 各一枝。旅行、送禮或試用精選。
Energy Hair & Body Shampoo 能量洗髮露含迷迭香、薰衣草、檸檬草和杜松純精油,充滿正能量、溫和、無化學添加或硫酸鹽,每天使用也不會令皮膚乾燥,可令乾性頭髮增加光澤徹底改善髮質,。溫和成分來自椰子和玉米,精油成分幫助皮膚保留自身保護層。
Energy Hair Conditioner 能量護髮素全天然,適合所有髮質包括經過化學染色或加工髮質。迷迭香、薰衣草、檸檬草、杜松精油以及植物成分為秀髮提供水分及營養素,有效改善髮絲結構,令髮質柔順有光澤。
Energy Body Lotion 能量護膚露滋潤清香,含乳酸和乳木果油,以及4種天然精油 - 迷迭香、薰衣草、香茅、杜松子,男女皆宜,並適合各種膚質。
Maria Akerberg 是瑞典良心企業,透明度高,材料天然純淨不損害環境,以香薰和植物療法為基礎,色素與香味都來自天然精油及植物提取物,不含礦物油、水銀、甲醛、對羥基苯甲酸酯等有害化學物質。
Hair & Body Care Set includes Energy Hair & Body Shampoo (30ml), Energy Hair Conditioner (30ml) and Body Lotion Energy (30ml) in a good-to-go travel set. Perfect for trial use or as a gift.
Energy Hair & Body Shampoo has rosemary, lavender, lemongrass and juniper essential oils as its ingredients. It is mild, chemical free and ideal for daily use. Its mild ingredients are derived from coconut and corn and allow the skin and scalp to retain its natural moisture and protective layer. The sulphate-free formula makes this suitable for even sensitive, dry and itchy scalp and skin.
Energy Hair Conditioner is 100% natural, pleasing conditioner. Works for treated and untreated hair. Rosemary, lavender, lemon straw and gooseberries essential oils and phytonutrients nourish hair and give it structure and shine.
Body Lotion Energy is an emollient and beneficial lotion, with an invigorating scent that suits both men and women. Essential oils of Rosemary, Lavender, Lemongrass and Juniper add a refreshing scent, as well as other beneficial properties. Rosemary is refreshing. Lavender is nourishing. Lemongrass strengthens the connective tissue and is moisturising. Juniper is purifying and strengthening.
Made in Sweden
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