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日本寒天茸片 Mitoku Kanten Flakes (28g)

日本寒天茸片 Mitoku Kanten Flakes (28g)

  • 4300
  • $48.00

日本 Mitoku 寒天茸片來自長野山區的溝口家族,是少數仍以勞動密集的傳統方法加工寒天(瓊脂)的小型生產商。 製造這種傳統的膠凝劑,需要在寒冷的冬季氣候下,將各種红海在幾個月內自然風乾。 所得瓊脂具有優異的天然膠凝能力但完全不含熱量,使用簡單,無需冷藏,可快速令菜餚凝固,是湯、水果蜜餞及甜點的絕佳天然增稠劑。

建議用法:將6湯匙寒天茸片加入1 公升果汁、湯汁或水中。 慢火煮5分鐘。 可隨意加入水果或蔬菜,冷藏定型。

成分 : 石花菜海藻 (Gelidium amansii), 江篱海藻 (Gracilaria verrucosa)


Mitoku's Kanten Flakes come from the Mizoguchi family in the mountains of Nagano, a small producer still using the traditional labor intensive methods to process kanten (agar). To make this gelling agent, various red sea vegetables are naturally snow-dried over a period of months by the cold winter climate. The resulting agar has excellent natural gelling ability, is free of calories, and can be used to seal in the natural flavour and sweetness of other ingredients.

Mitoku's Kanten Flakes are easy to use, does not need refrigeration, and can make an excellent thickener for soups, fruit preserves and desserts.

Suggested use : sprinkle 6 tablespoons kanten flakes over 1 litre of juice, stock or water. Gently simmer for about 5 minutes. Add fruits or vegetables and refrigerate to set.

Ingredients : seaweed agar (Tengusa, (Gelidium amansii), Ogonori (Gracilaria verrucosa))

Made in Japan

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