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有機野生森林越橘莓粉 Loov Organic Wild Lingonberry Powder (113g)

  • 15100
  • $168.00

越橘莓細小紅色貌似小紅莓,但味道沒有那麼酸,同樣富含維他命C與抗氧化物質。Loov品牌越橘莓全部野生,採摘自北歐有機森林,經涷乾後磨成粉,保存所有抗氧化物質包括槲皮素 (又稱洋蔥素) 及白藜蘆醇。一包113克成分需900克新鮮越橘莓製成。建議加1-2湯匙至布緯食療、乳酪、早餐穀物、麥皮、小米粥或蛋白奶昔等拌勻食用增加營養。



Lingonberries (also known as partridgeberries, mountain cranberries or cowberries) are small red berries that taste similar to cranberries but are not quite as tart. Loov's organic wild lingonberries are hand-picked from organic forests in Finland and freeze-dried, preserving all the antioxidants including quercetin and resveratrol. This pack of 113g requires  nearly 900g of fresh lingonberries to make into powder.   Suggest adding 1-2 tablespoons to cheese and flaxseed oil mixture of Budwig Diet, yogurt, cereals, porridge or protein shakes for nutritional enhancement.

Ingredient: Organic Wild Lingonberry Powder

Made in Estonia

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